
Golok Bosu Mullick

Golok Bosu Mullick is an emerging name in the world of classical instrumental music in India today.


Golok Bosu Mullick

Golok Bosu Mullick is an emerging name in the World of Classical Instrumental Music in India today. A Sitar Player of considerable promise, Shri Bosu Mullick is a torch bearer of the famous Etawah/Imdadkhani Gharana.

Golok Bosu Mullick, at a very young age, was initiated to sitar playing under the guidance of his paternal uncle, Late Arun Kumar Bosu Mullick. The next phase of sitar training of Shri Bosu Mullick was for a long duration under the tutelage of great exponent of Sitar, Bidushi Kalyani Roy, an immaculate artist in her own right, a doyenne of the Etawah/Imdadkhani Gharana and a disciple of the legendary sitar player Ustad Vilayat Khan Sahab. Shri Bosu Mullick was immensely fortunate in having the proud privilege of training under Guru, Ustad Shahid Parvez Khan Sahab, a world-renowned Sitar Maestro as well as an eminent reigning exponent of the glorious Etawah/Imdadkhani Gharana. It was with the Gurus’ blessings that Shri Bosu Mullick came to identify with the spirit of music, the instrument and the Gharana.

  • Shri Golok Bosu Mullick is an Empanelled Artist of ICCR (Indian Council for Cultural Relations), Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India, New Delhi.


"Late Arun Kumar Bosu Mullick"

With Guru
"Bidushi Kalyani Roy"

With Guru
"Ustad Shahid Parvez Khan Sahab"

With Guru
"Ustad Shahid Parvez Khan Sahab"

With Guru
"Bidushi Kalyani Roy"

With Guru
"Ustad Shahid Parvez Khan Sahab"